Hey everyone,
I'm trying to create a label for water wells that contains the well name, date drilled, and measured depth. I've gotten them all to appear, but there are no spaces between them so it's formatted like namemeasuredepthm/d/yyy. Ideally, it would be good to either have it formatted like,
Measured Depth
name, measured depth, m/d/yyyy
This is my current expression if that's helpful
$feature.Well_Name +""+
$feature.Max_MD +""+
Text($feature.Spud_Date, 'M/D/Y')
You're almost there! Put a space in your "" - like this ", ".
Or if you want them on a new line use arcade - $feature.Well_Name + TextFormatting.NewLine + $feature.Max_MD + TextFormatting.NewLine + Text($feature.Spud_Date, 'M/D/Y')
To make your expression easier to read, you can also use Concatenate:
var values = [
Text($feature.Spud_Date, 'M/D/Y')
return Concatenate(values, TextFormatting.NewLine) // each on its own line
return Concatenate(values, ", ") // comma separated