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Add data from path - gdbVersion setting working in arcgis pro 2.9.1 but not in 3.xx

05-26-2023 06:18 AM
Labels (3)
Emerging Contributor


when adding a webservice of our own internal server using its url and indicating a gdbVersion setting, I get different data displayed in arcgis pro 2.9.1 and 3.0.3.

While in arcgis pro 2.9.1. the data of the version is indeed displayed (editing it also works btw), in arcgis pro 3.0.3 it seems like the gdbVersion parameter is ignored (it does appear in the custom parameters section of the properties though) and it displays the default instead. The same behaviour was observed in arcgis pro 3.1.

Has anyone been experiencing similar issues with the gdbVersion parameter?

The featureservice is hosted on arcgis server 10.9.0 (build 26417) on a windows server 2019 (version 10.0.17763). The geodatabase is version and is using traditional versioning.


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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

forgot to add one more detail: de enterprise geodatabase runs on MS SQL.

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