Warn of unsupported blend mode on export

05-16-2023 05:30 PM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Re: BUG-000151050, "Using the Linear Burn mode layer blend downgrades the quality of the exported PDF layout," which will not and cannot be addressed, it would be a huge improvement for everyone if there were a warning that you're exporting to a format that doesn't support a blend mode you're using, kind of like when publishing a web layer. Despite originating this bug, I just ran into the issue again and it had been so long that I was scratching my head. Thankfully the paper trail of tech support cases was there to help but it may cause others countless hours of frustration to run into the error in Acrobat (as I did the first time!)


I'm not sure if it would be possible to have this warning even sooner (e.g. when the blend mode is chosen) given the program (or user) might not know what format the map will be eventually exported to, but that would be even better -- at least in my office, vector PDF is by far the most common. Thanks.

(This is the error received:)




@wayfaringrob yes it does, the layer for states is set to linear burn.  I assume the "fixed" project is the one I received.  Like I said I'm gonna talk to our CE person to review procedures and see if there's any process improvement support or dev can make in this regard.  


@JeremyWright  hmm. And you're exporting to vector PDF?


@wayfaringrob yep, vector PDF.  

hey, can you do "Save Preset" on the PDF export dialog and share your .xprt file, so I Can use the exact same settings as you?  There's actually no such thing as "default" settings once you change them once, so that's why we have presets as a way to share and use others settings and a way to get back to known states.


3.1.1 is installing now on a machine (had to free one up)


@JeremyWright  yep, here's the text of the file:

Layout;ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.PDFFormat, ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fc3cc631e44ad86;{"DoCompressVectorGraphics":true,"ImageCompression":5,"DoEmbedFonts":true,"LayersAndAttributes":1,"HasGeoRefInfo":true,"ImageQuality":1,"ImageCompressionQuality":80,"Password":null,"DoFullRasterization":false,"MasterPassword":null,"HasColorProfile":false,"SecurityPermission":0,"DoSimulateOverprint":false,"DoConvertCharacterMarkerSymbolsToPolygon":false,"LanguageCode":"","Title":"","Subject":"","Author":"","Keywords":"","IncludeAccessibilityTags":true,"Heading":null,"OutputFileName":"","Resolution":300,"Width":960,"Height":960,"DoClipToGraphicExtent":false}



@wayfaringrobI finally got things installed and tried your repro with same settings (using your preset) on 3.1 final but still can't repro the error opening the PDF.  

Question: what version of ArcGIS Pro are you using?  





@JeremyWright  3.1.1 but last time it would have been 2.9.2 and then it also looks like it was reproduced in 3.0


@JeremyWright  also, not sure if you're saying that that map came from my project, but I did not make that map.


@wayfaringrob that is the map that was included as the repro case for the BUG by one of the two support analysts you worked with.

I've just DM'd you, let's connect over email and I can get the original repro case from you for the adobe error.

Status changed to: Closed

Closing this idea as, upon further investigation, this was a bug that will be fixed in ArcGIS Pro 3.2: https://support.esri.com/en-us/bug/the-linear-blend-mode-on-a-group-layer-with-contents-ab-bug-00015...