Unselect individually only one graphic item on clicking on it again

02-13-2022 04:26 AM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

Often in a complex layout we have to select many graphic in same time to apply some modification on them (moving, deleting...). Very often i do a mistake and select an other item which i shouldn't. Or it's just much faster to make a rectangle selection and unselect some items individually.

If i'm not mistaking, there is no possibility to unselect it individually by clicking on it again. Then i have to unselect all and start again, which is quite painful.


So you are proposing an addition to this? or none of these work for unselecting?

Keyboard shortcuts for working on the layout—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation


Correct, none of these work for unselecting individually, and all are keybord shortcuts. I want to just left-click on the element i want to unselect, as it works in ArcMap.

Status changed to: Already Offered

Hold Ctrl and click on an individual element to unselect it without having to unselect all and start over again.

CtrlClick to unselect.gif

 Holding Shift and clicking should add to selection. Holding Ctrl and clicking should remove from selection.


Oh right, yes, thanks