Turn off animated effects in ArcGIS Pro

01-08-2020 11:22 AM
Status: In Product Plan
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

Every time i select a feature or edit or split a feature the selection appears to slowly pulse (or fade in/out out/in) which is a new animated visual effect in Pro. The pulse effect takes way too long bordering on annoying which is especially cumbersome when splitting a feature to many parts as every part slowly pulses after the split operation completes. 

There are a lot of such animated pulse and fade effects throughout the application. I would much rather see mu results instantly presented on the display.  

Consequently, it makes the whole experience of using ArcGIS PRO, which is already much slower than the legacy ArcMap in almost every respect, even slower.  The whole editing experience feels slugish and non-responsive. 

It would be great if we could TURN ALL such animated effects off globally in settings. 


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I just added my kudos. I think we'd all really, really like the option to turn the flash-selection animation off.


This really needs to be added. I'm trying to switch to ArcPro but this is one of the things that keeps me staying in ArcMap for now.


I'm testing an ArcGIS Pro Migration now, and I am in shock at how much time these animations add to an already arduous ArcGIS Pro editing experience.


Four years later and no solution? Digitizing, splitting, dividing, reshaping, etc, is causing me to pull my hair out. I'm so beyond frustrated with the ArcPro experience that I'm seriously considering giving up my consulting business and getting into a new line of work. I'm not sure I've got it in me to learn another platform such as QGIS at this point in my career but I would think it would be less frustrating than working in Pro.



I'm as critical of Pro as the next person. 

Would it be worth it for you to get a really fast & expensive computer? I dont have that option in my organization. But I wonder if that's a benefit of having your own business. You have contol over things like that.


@Bud that wouldn't impact the issue. this is an animation that's built into ArcGIS Pro. this idea is requesting that the 'feature' be optional or faster rather than required.


@BudSpeaking for myself, I have a fast and expensive computer (thanks, boss!), and as a result of other work taking me away from GIS for nearly a year I've only been getting into ArcGIS Pro now, and I have to second/third/fourth everyone else talking about the animations: they slow down work flows.

For example, one that frustrates me more than it should is that when I zoom in or out on the layout view, I have to wait for the animated zoom to finish before the rulers are updated. The animation takes over half a second and is smooth and lovely, but it's an absolute time waster. I'm not even talking a fancy layout either; it's an A4 display with an ECW layer and a polygon vector layer! I try the same thing in the final version of Desktop and it's instantaneous. I'm clearly used to the instantaneous zoom, too, because this laggy smooth zoom actually gave me a bit of motion sickness the other day!

I understand that visual amenities like these are nice for managers and to sell at trade shows, but there has to be a way to streamline things. Other programs (e.g., Firefox) have similar smooth and slow features, but they at least offer an under-the-bonnet way to turn them off.


How many kudos does it take to move an idea forward? People have been asking for years. All of this bouncing and flashing and fading isn't a value add in any way. It looks impressive (I guess?) but I'm trying to get some actual work done here 😅


Chiming in here because I am involved in some big edit jobs and the double-flash is really disruptive to my productivity, not to mention quite bothersome.  Added my kudo.  I found "duration:1200" in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Popups\dojo\dojo.js, and changed it to 200, then 0, but there's no change in the animation.  


It gets worse when you're working with large datasets. I'm cutting/reshaping/merging subbasins with 1500+ features and it's so slow at this point. I wish this would be addressed.