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Table Based Symbology, Labeling, and Data Sources

01-30-2015 11:34 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

My idea is to save either a text file or table view of symbology and labeling classes.
Symbology Scenario:
I define a large symbology scheme with near to 100 categories, then I change the name of the field it is based on and there is absolutely no way to salvage the symbology. 
Current Technology:
Saving a .LYR file does not accommodate this case because there is no way to edit it and change over to the new field. Symbology styles are not a comprehensive solution either.
Proposed Solution:
Table based symbology - All the symbol definitions, sizing, color, and sequencing could be preserved while the name of the underlying field is updated. A table based solution would also improve reordering symbology by using a numeric sequence field. It would also speed up mass changes symbology.

Labeling Scenario:
I define upwards of a dozen labeling classes for a single layer. I export to CAD and find that I have to make the same change to labeling offsets or something for every labeling class. 
Current Technology:
Going through layer properties or the labeling toolbar could take 100+ clicks and dialog boxes to change one labeling property on each labeling class.
Proposed Solution:
Table based labeling - All options and definitions are stored in table fields that I can change in mass for each labelling class.