Symbology Quantities to show count

07-12-2010 02:02 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

When symbolizing features using Quantities (Symbology tab), I would like to see a "COUNT" field next to RANGE and LABEL to show how many features fall into each range.  And show this "count" in the legend in the TOC and map layout legend with a toggle to show/not show.

Also, if symbology values change, such as date values that change daily, the symbology would auto-update w/out having to go into the Layer Properties>Symbology dialog, click the Value field each time to update the layer.


Hello every one 
How can I find this option in ArcGIS pro ?  I want show the counts from Symbology classes could you show that for me please ?



Hey @ShabanUKM  - in Pro, the count feature is currently only available in Unique Values symbology. It looks like you may be using Graduated Colors.


Yes, I agree this enhancement would good! As a college professor teaching cartography and classification methods, this would be very helpful in understanding the differences -- especially when choosing Quantiles as the method. 

Side Note: I see several other comments in this thread indicating there is a "Show Count" option; but that is ONLY for 'qualitative/unique value/text field' maps. ...What we're taking about here is needing that option for 'quantitative/numerical field' maps!

Status changed to: Implemented

This Idea has been implemented in ArcGIS Pro 3.1. Please see the What's New documentation for more new features in Pro 3.1.

The Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 blog will be wrapped up soon, highlighting all Ideas implemented in this release, including this one. Once complete, I will add the link to this comment. 


This functionality is implemented partially.

Customers urgently need an option to see feature counts under TOC, too:TOC.png


At the moment this is not possible.