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Support ArcGIS Diagrammer beyond 10.2.2

07-15-2015 02:21 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Add my vote for your support of ArcGIS Diagrammer in future versions of ArcGIS.  It is a great tool that really facilitates GDB design and documentation!

I realize the charting library is no longer available, but this tool is a solid component for your desktop environment.

Aprpeciate it!


deleted-user-8KkqhMYcTNGx This is a similar idea page for the ArcGIS Diagrammer. promote this one also.
I've been told by many to just forget about ArcGIS Diagrammer and use X-Ray.  X-ray doesn't even come close to the quality of Diagrammer! 
Please bring ArcGIS Diagrammer back. As a student this tool has been incredibly useful. Many of us being trained to use your software don't have the opption of purchasing third party software to restore the basic functionality we have come to rely on.

Agree 100%!  X-Ray is just ok.  Diagrammer has better graphics and easier-to-understand workflows for modifying gdb schema.  Please support to 10.4 and beyond!


Please add the geodatabase diagrammer tool (described here) to ArcGIS Pro. We need to be able to create ER diagrams to design and document geodatabase relationships.

It looks like this tool has been discontinued since 2014.

Here's another thread to vote on: