Spatial Filter for Attribute Choices (Domain)

12-29-2020 11:44 AM
Status: Open
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Regular Contributor

So I have to deal with multiple locations for a single web feature layer that we use for tracking purposes. It would a nice and useful for our field workers to have their attribute value choices stored in a domain filtered using some sort of spatial filtering. The way I'm thinking about how this would work is like a cascading select in Survey123.  I know I can set up contingent values and attributes rules to accomplish some of this, but being able to link the acceptable choices for workers would save time and make it easier for users to collect the data.  While also potentially speeding up the data entry and improving data quality. The spatial filter/Domain could be created by adding a bounding box for coded domain value 

So the idea is this

1)Create Spatial filter/Domain

2) Attribute value choices present to the user are limited based on the location.

3) Spatial bounding could be used as the limiting feature for each value or create a link to a particular feature class in the layer.

In my mind, it would work like this. When you have multiple properties, each with named management areas and preestablished compartments within those management areas.  Property spatial attribute choice limits management area choice, and finally, the compartment potential compartments. But by using the location data, I prune the options presented to the user and potentially do it faster than  have to setup new attribute rules, contingent values, etc

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Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Thank you for submitting this idea, @DamianSmith 

If I'm understanding correctly, what you're asking for is the same as Spatial Domain - GeoNet, The Esri Community 

Could you take a look at that idea and let us know if you're requesting the same functionality?  If so, we can merge this new idea into that one, so your description and details would be added to the comments as a current use case.



They are similar, but not exactly the same.  What I'm thinking would be for a single feature class and its related attributes. For example, I deal with up to 20 properties, each of those installations have named management units and a numbered sub unit. The options presented for each of the attributes would be filtered based on the spatial domain/filter. So to the user at all three levels would be only presented one option or potentially two property names, and limits choices for next attribute(management unit), and filter the choice for numbered-sub unit

Like a cascading select but the spatial Domain/Filter works as a choice filter in a cascading select.

Status changed to: Open

Ah, right.  That other idea is literally about automatically populating an attribute based on an intersecting feature, which, as already mentioned in an older comment has been possible for a while using Attribute Assistant, and now through Attribute Rules.  Thanks for the quick response - the idea is Open.


I should add that this should also be supported in AGOL. As I’m in the process of moving much of our data to it for sharing purposes with other colleagues.Also improved support for contingent values in AGOL would be helpful as well.  We don’t have access to Enterprise server or necessarily need it. 


You should definitely see Support for Contingent Values in ArcGIS Online - GeoNet, The Esri Community  in the ArcGIS Online idea exchange and vote for it if you haven't yet!

I have and I did. If I could give a thousand votes and have it implemented today in ArcPro and AGOL. I’d be stoked.

I have domains in a geodatabase or a feature service layer that can include tons of options for users, but not all of the values are relevant to all parts of the country. What I think would be helpful, is if I could define an extent to each domain, or maybe base it off a secondary field that would describe project scope, and then as I navigate my map or use Field Maps, my domain options would be visible based on my current extent.


I love these Tetris-type questions.

You added this question inside the ArcGIS Pro group, but I wondered if you wanted this inside the Survey123 group?

Here are some questions to start us out:

Is this in Survey123 Connect or the Survey123 Web app?

Can you share your data or a sample of what you're trying to do? 

Will you be using the Inbox for these inspections?

~ Michelle, Survey123 Jedi


@CarissaPhantom It's Survey123 Connect.  And yes, I think it also belongs in that group. I'm thinking about this as being just one program and as a better way to parse some spatial data and associated attributes. As for data, I don't have any data I can publicly share. 
