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Snap and Clip

12-22-2021 05:12 AM
Status: Open
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Occasional Contributor
ArcMap has a tool that allows lines to be clipped by numerous point features and snaps the points to the lines. I think it is call Snap and Clip tool. This tool is very helpful for snapping points to lines and clipping long lines with many points into segments. Perhaps this could be brought into ArcGIS Pro.
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Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi @kyonkers_NDOT3 

Are you referring to this Production Mapping extension tool: ?

FYI - out of the box in Pro, you can use the Snap geoprocessing tool followed by the Split editing tool with the points as the input features and the lines as the target features.

Thanks for any clarification.


Thank you Scott. That is the tool being referred to. Snap Points and Split Lines does both processes with 1 tool. The tools you suggested do work, and we will continue using them.


Thanks for clarifying. I'm glad you have a working solution.

Status changed to: Open