Schematics - Geographic / Orthogonal Algorithm

07-16-2013 09:49 AM
Status: Open
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
In order to maintain some sort of geographic positioning for an Orthogonal or Hierarchical diagram, can there be a new algorithm provided with ArcGIS Schematics to let the user  "lock down" the spatial positions of 1 or many schematic features in a diagram (i.e. circuit breakders, switches, etc)? 

The goal here would be to show roughly the geographic positions (i.e. North West substation, South East substation, etc) in a non-geographic diagram.  The algorithms would essentially not move/process any schematic feature which have been locked down by the user.  This would greatly reduce manual efforts if something like this could be easily configurable by the end user (i.e. Moveable_Feature = Y or N).