Scale Legend Contents Automatically with change in size

12-13-2017 07:26 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

In ArcMap if I make a legend bigger or smaller the contents will scale proportionally. This makes it very simple to ensure the legend is legible and in proportion to the rest of the map. In ArcGIS Pro, when I make the legend larger the contents maintain the size they were when the legend was created. They do not automatically scale. I have not found a setting which enables this functionality. You instead must make adjustments to all the various elements within the legend to get them to change size. While this provides much greater control over those elements, it is much more difficult and time consuming. Maybe having a check box to provide the automatic scaling as an option or just make it work like it did in ArcMap. #ArcGIS Pro #Layouts legend management


3.1.2 still can't drag to resize legend?


Why has this still not been implemented? This has been a problem since 2017. There is over 170 kudos, and 4 pages of people requesting this function. The legend is one of the most important elements inside the map. Why can we not resize it? 


I hate to say but wonder if ESRI even attempt to care that issue. Let's face it those who involve with cartography (print format) with heavy usages on floating graphic are NOT their customers. All they concern about are those that can be on tiktok.


Still doesn't work for me. For something so rudimentary and necessary in GIS, this is ridiculous.


I agree that this is a very unnecessary inconvenience.  Cartography is very time consuming as it is and fussing with the legend ADDS A LOT OF TIME to any given project.


Esri, please fix this!!


The ability to manually and programmatically resize a map legend and have all the legend elements proportionally increase/decrease in scale is an important function for cartographers and map automation. Until this is fixed, we are not able to fully automate map production in ArcGIS Pro and will have to continue to use ArcMap. 

I reported this issue to Esri as a bug, they say it is an enhancement.  The current status of the Enhancement is "under consideration". That means that the team has not yet made a decision on whether this functionality will be added or not.

ENH-000129479: The resize behavior was designed to be different in ArcGIS Pro than ArcMap. This isn't a bug, but a difference. There is an enhancement request to make the behavior like ArcMap.



How does the old saying go?.... After a bug remains for more than two updates, it's considered a feature? Esri has slowly been addressing their enhanced features in Pro for some time. I wish I could call this Pro's worst "feature" that needs further "enhancement", but it does seem to perform better than it used to. I'm running 3.1.5. If you are running anything prior to 3.1, try updating to latest version and see if that helps. Best o' luck.


This would be very helpful!




Please correct this reported issue!