Save sketch after a failed "Reshape Feature" or "Cut Polygon" operation.

03-10-2011 08:56 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

I have been frustrated many times by creating a complex or lengthy sketch to reshape a feature or cut a polygon and end up inadvertently snapping to the wrong vertex to complete the sketch or double clicking accidently and ending the sketch too soon only to see the dreaded dialog that says "The Reshape task could not be completed" and my sketch disappears.  Or the same thing for “The Cut Polygon task could not be completed”.

I don’t think it would be too difficult to change those dialogs to ask if you would like to modify the sketch with yes and no buttons.  If you click yes, the sketch is still there and you can modify it to snap to the correct vertex, or continue with the sketch if you double clicked by accident.

Please add this functionality, seems simple enough.

It looks like this has been implemented in Pro 3.x when using the cut tool. Thank you, ESRI. But it seems like this has NOT been implemented when using the reshape tool. Please add that, ESRI!

Status changed to: Closed

I'm closing this because ArcGIS Pro retains the sketch when a Reshape or Split operation fails.

