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Remember Feature Origin Point Location

01-25-2024 11:45 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

I have a grid of polygons, and must add 40-50 new polygons to this grid.  It appears the only good way to do this is copy, paste, move.... over and over again for each grid polygon I need to add. (We cannot create another grid from scratch, current grid must remain unchanged.)

BUT... when I move the polygon, I also need it to align perfectly with its neighbor (corner vertices should snap.)  So to do this: I select a feature, move its origin point from the center of the polygon to a corner vertex, then move the polygon. (All with vertex snapping turned on.)

Moving this origin point over and over and over again is needlessly repetitious.

My Idea: Arcmap should remember the origin point of a feature if it has been moved.  This origin point should also be reflected/retained when doing a copy/paste operation.

If this were possible, I could move the origin point ONCE from the center of a polygon.... then when I make a copy that polygon, the origin would already be set to a corner vertex.... just need to drag the copy into place and let it snap to the existing grid.

I would suggest a method to reset the origin point if needed for any reason. (Perhaps a right click while hovering over the indicated origin point.) 



I have another idea for extending an existing grid of polygon features... which would simplify my above process even more.  But I can imagine this particular enhancement of remembering the origin point being useful for anyone who needs to copy and move polygons regularly.

1 Comment


Try creating a Preset Template, which allows you to create the same feature (or group of features) with the same anchor point location:

