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Refine Pro Geoprocessing process to allow for rapid and graceful cancellation of running tasks

05-13-2024 07:14 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

Redesign the Geoprocessing execution workflow to make the "Cancel" button work.

If I realise a parameter is wrong for an expected-to-run-a-while geoprocessing task the "Cancel" button fails to stop the task gracefully. The only option is to force close Pro and start from scratch. 

Please recode the process to allow the cancellation to first pause ALL related processes, then inform the user of locks and implications, then provide a few options such as kill all, stop and wait, continue, release all locks, etc.

This is not a support case hidden as an idea but request for functionality to improve the efficiency of Pro.


I start a batch geoprocessing task to clip & import 50 tifs to an FGDB. As soon as I click 'Run' I realise I forgot to specify the output coordsys and the rasters do not have one embedded.  
Click Cancel and it will hang at Cancelling until you force close Pro from Task Manager. 
It has been like this from Pro 1.


Hello RTPL_AU,

which version of ArcGIS Pro are you working with?

I'm asking because in the just released 3.3 we, Geoprocessing, have improved the performance of cancel. If possible, consider migrating to 3.3.


@BBicking1   I don't see it specifically mentioned in the "What's New".  I did read through it before making the Idea post.

Just tested and seems to work better than 3.2.2 on a test PC.

This goes to some of my other posts that Esri needs to start documenting things better, make said docs more discoverable, and thereby not waste paying customers' time.





@RTPL_AU, you are right, it isn't specifically mentioned.

The performance improvements made in the GP Framework in 3.3 include cancel.

Thanks for reporting that you see the evidence.