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Red X beside geoprocessing parameters

04-03-2023 12:02 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 3.1

Regarding the red X on the left-hand side of parameters (in tools such as Feature Class to Geodatabase):


Maybe it's just me, but when I initially saw that X, I thought it indicated a problem, such as the input being invalid. I realize now that it's a delete button.

Is there anything that could be done to make that more intuitive? Such as move the X to the right-hand side of the parameter?



Interesting issue. Agree, the cross would seem to suggest a problem. But it only appears when you hover over the parameter. Using the tool you demonstrate the issue with, if you click in the next row of input features the cross disappears and moves into the row you just clicked in. It's tool tip, like other icons that appear on a parameter, does say Remove and does not say anything like you have a problem.


Thanks for the Idea @Bud 

That red x is used across many GP tools as a way to delete an entire entry when a tool allows multiple entries in a single run. For instance, the Add Fields GP tool has the red x on the left side for an entire field and all of its parameters ( pictured below ).  I can definitely see how its a bit less intuitive in the feature class to geodatabase tool since there is only one parameter per entry.   

Thanks for sharing your feedback. If others find themselves with the same confusion, please add your kudos.



Geoprocessing parameters display the parameter error icon next to the parameter label. It uses the icon style called GenericError, so the red circle with x inside is the common icon used to represent an error, not a floating red x. 


The red x ,as an aside, is the generic remove icon which you can see in many places where you are removing an item from a list. 

About the right side alignment idea in comparison to the left side alignment, I believe on the right side of the box would make the x more difficult to notice.