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Python packages Manager offline

06-16-2022 09:36 PM
Status: Under Consideration
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

For those who work on an offline environment adding new python packages is very hard because of dependencies.


The soultion — have a program/website that simulates the python packages manager without having to install pro. You could download whatever packages you want and know that you could later use them in an offline arcpro environment and they would work 


Conda supports this already, open the "Python Command Prompt" from your start menu and use this command: 

conda install "\path\to\my\downloaded\package.tar.bz2"

I guess an "install package from path" button would be a nice feature for Pro to supplement this.

The issue arises when one has the PRO installed on the offline environment
and no PRO on the online environment. One could download the python
packages on the online environment but could not know if he would have
conflicts and dependency issues when he imports the packages to the PRO on
the offline environment
by Anonymous User

I haven't done this with a Pro environment, but I've had success using conda pack to build offline environments.

Perhaps you could clone your Pro environment (offline) and use a YAML file or other to rebuild everything on an online machine. Then install the packages you need, and conda pack back to the offline machine.

It's not pretty, but I'd be very curious to see the results.

Status changed to: In Product Plan

You're in luck, this is already in the product plan and being worked on,  please see

Just to clarify, this won't be an offline package manager - just a simpler way to get the arcgispro-py3 dependencies in an offline environment. An offline package manager is not in the product plan and it is unlikely it ever will be, as other users have noted there are ways around this.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

We are at this time still assessing possible solution(s) for this issue.