Python Add-Ins for ArcGIS Pro

03-23-2015 02:06 PM
Status: Closed
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Regular Contributor

We're just now getting the full functionality of Python in ArcMap via Python Add-Ins, but now everything is moving to ArcGIS Pro and I noticed that there are not any plans to include Python Add-Ins for Pro as well. I do like the new mapping module for Pro, but please also give us the ability to create Add-Ins with Python as well.



Sorry Darryl,

I did misunderstand.  I too will be extremely disappointed if ESRI does not bring python ADD-INs forward to PRO.  It is difficult to understand why they would not.  Your edits do clear up the intent of your comment.




I was dismayed to recently learn that Python addins may not be available in Pro!   These are an integral part of some of our organization's business workflows, and their absence would create a great upheaval.

Our municipal utility currently uses Python Addins in ArcMap to send scheduled outage notifications to fiber customers.   Even our less experienced ArcMap Users can simply select the active fiber customers (building footprints) in the map and click the tool to export a customer email list.  So, for instance, if an entire geographical service area will be down,  they can 'Select by Location' all footprints in Area F1 and have a contact list in less than a minute. Or they can select customers southwest of an intersection, etc.  They could also do a fiber trace to identify affected customers and select only these related footprints.  The spatial selection element is critical, making our addin tool an invaluable customer service asset for time-critical situations.   

On the electric utility side, our meter route creator addin tool is used to maximize route efficiencies based on our production data.   There is no good substitute for this tool.  We are also currently creating a python addin tool to help with electric utility asset management.  Editors will be able to export selected feature(s) in one click to the correct asset table.  These are just a few examples of add-ins used in our daily work.

This is a very big deal... I am dismayed that Python addins may not be available in Pro!  Please make them available.  It's important that ESRI continue to support Python users by providing the means to build interactive tools without outside developer support.   


Wanting to replace a python add-in built for ArcGIS Desktop in Pro


I too am very concerned that ESRI has not yet decided to include Python ADD-INs for PRO.  I recently read the long list of user comments as to whether PRO was ready for the mainstream yet and did not see any concerning python ADD-INs.  If they are not included it will be a big step backwards for ESRI so it is difficult to comprehend.  Perhaps the brains behind the ingenious python ADD-IN tool are no longer available.  I'm not looking forward to dealing with visual studio for the sole purpose of creating a user friendly ADD-IN for my python programs.  I see that python ADD-INs are voted up 1480 points and are still under consideration.  I wonder how many points it would take for this to happen.


Could someone in the developement department at ESRI tell us the reason why they has not yet decided to include Python ADD-INs for PRO??  Using Python for doing this is much easier than using C# and Visual Studio in my opinion (even though I can do both) and was very useful in ArcGIS Desktop. You want your ESRI community to migrate from Desktop to Pro, but still many important functionality is not migrated!!  Still I think you have done very good job with the functionality that has already been migrated to Pro in 64-bit versions  !


Kory Kramer At what point does an idea move from being "Under Consideration" to "In Product Plan" or alternatively "Not in Product Plan". Can we get some clarity on this already?


Hi John,

I agree with you. It seems like ESRI does not want to deal with python

add-ins but I don't get it since python is their language of choice for

users of ArcGIS or at least was. Lack of python add-ins would be the

biggest problem for my applications if switching to PRO but no MS Access

(MDB) support is also a problem. You have to wonder what has changed in

their thinking.



Kory Kramer I would love an official response from Esri as well. No answer is worse than being told "no" and putting an idea "under consideration" for an indefinite period of time is not a legitimate response. I can deal with "no". I think most users can. When w're told "no", all we want to know is why not and I think that's a perfectly reasonable thing for the user community to demand. Helping us understand the challenges as to why something isn't technically feasible or the business reasons as to why something won't be done gives us context to consider for future ideas, making those future requests better formed and thought out before we request them.


Be careful what you ask for, we might just end up with Arcade Addins for ArcGIS Pro instead!


Arcade Addins?! That's great, haha. Just what we need! Another proprietary extension language created by mixing and matching syntax and concepts from three different languages which is usable in no other software application anywhere else in the world.