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Publicly Accessible List of Topology Engine Error Codes

02-08-2023 07:55 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

We ran into an issue recently, that we are still working through, that deals with a part of the topology engine that is not publicly documented. We received the following error:

160341: A failure was detected inside the topology engine. [error id: 39]

There is very little to be had in the way of Google searches, with the following two articles being the most significant finds:


Which brings me to the idea: there should be a publicly accessible list of these topology error codes. They are enumerated somewhere and potentially have documentation associated with them which would correspond to the topology error id. While this may be a "rare" issue according to the 160341 error page, without any additional documentation, this issue is incredibly hard to pin down without opening a support case.

We've tried a number of fixes (removing a tiny feature, clearing the cache) and the error message moved from the obscure to the unhelpful:


So that's the ask. Having topology error codes that are publicly documented so we can try to troubleshoot on our end without immediately resorting to a support ticket.