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Provide more Display options for where to open Attribute Tables (and other windows)

11-08-2022 07:54 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

We have been provided with one of those fancy super wide 49" screens at work, and as such, I'm changing the way that I work with ArcGIS Pro. I used to prefer to open Attribute Tables as a separate floating window (and to stack additional views on top) when I had dual 24" screens, but now, would prefer to have it open next to my active map. 

Currently, the only option is for it to be opened below the active map. It would be great to be able to say where it opens in relation to the map, instead of just below. 




1 Comment

As an addition to this idea, it could be expanded to include a similar option for additional views in floating windows. 
