Please change: Attribute Table open constitutes a lock for Python Toolboxes

12-14-2023 09:43 AM
Status: Closed
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MVP Regular Contributor

Not sure if this is a bug or if it's intentional behavior, but either way I don't remember it being a problem before we switched to Pro 3.1 (our current version).

See this post for further details Pro 3.1.3: Running an update cursor on a feature l... - Esri Community

To summarize, I had a tool I was running involving an update cursor, and it kept failing because of a lock on the data. 

  1. It was in a file geodatabase on my own hard drive, so no one else had access.
  2. The data was only used in this project, which was the only project I had open.
  3. I was not in an edit session.

I eventually figured out that having the attribute table open constitutes a lock on the data, at least in the context of a Python Toolbox. Closing the table immediately solved the issue.

The Python Window doesn't seem to be affected, and I have not tested in Notebooks or Scripting tools in an atbx.

Please remove this behavior. 


@AlfredBaldenweck If you are able to, contacting Support would be the best way to get this logged. This way you will also be able to track the status of the bug. However, this does involve talking to Tech Support so a reproducible case can be established (workflow steps, data requirements, machine context, etc.). Without a reproducible case to debug, it is very difficult to address bugs like these.


To update, I submitted a ticket and it's tied to the number of records in the table. If there are 200 or more records, this bug will occur.