PDF to Tiff Tool In Pro

08-27-2018 10:53 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
MVP Honored Contributor

Currently we use the PDF to Tiff tool in ArcGIS ArcMap, and wish it to be ported to ArcGIS Pro.  We have lots of PDFs, and we sometimes receive PDFs from member cities in our County.  We convert them, then georeference them, as backdrops for data investigation.  We receive regular PDFs.  


I love ArcGIS Products, however, I've unfortunately had to turn to QGIS to help with this issue. It is a pain to have to switch between platforms mid-project for something that should be included in ArcPro. Please add this into the toolbox! 


Hi @Lauren-MarieWilliams PDF to TIFF will be in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, planned to be available later this year - probably sometime in November.  Thank you!


For those looking for a quick workaround (as I was)...You can save a pdf from Adobe Acrobat using the File: save as: save as type: and change to TIFF.  While this won't work if you are creating a workflow through a flow of geoprocessing tools it is simple.


VinhLang provided a life changing solution. No thanks  to ESRI, thank you to VinhLang‼


Instead of converting a PDF to a TIFF I think it would be very valuable to be able to georeference the original PDF. There is a suggestion for doing just that created by @KetiKonstantinova here: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-pro-ideas/georeferencing-pdfs-in-arcgis-pro/idi-p/923669

If you agree give it a Kudo and comment in hopes that this gets developed soon!


Status changed to: Implemented

This is implemented in ArcGIS Pro 2.9.  See Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 2.9 or go directly to 6:29 in the video.


Great to see this implemented in Pro finally.  So far, this seems to work really well and like the options to pick which frame to export as well as clipping to the extents.