Multiline Annotation - Text Horizontal Alignment - do not shift text box when changing alignment

06-07-2023 11:22 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

When changing the alignment of multi-line annotation text, do not move the text box. Ex this annotation label begins left aligned:


Center aligning shifts it right:


Right aligning moves it further right:


Ideally, it would just stay put and align right as may be expected.


Though alignment is moot for single-line annotation, it does not move when changed.

Status changed to: Closed

Alignment changes the text relative to it's geometry which is typically a line or a point for annotation. The box is derived from those settings, not the opposite way around.


@CraigWilliams  yes, this is a request to change that behavior. Please reopen, thank you.


I agree. This is super annoying to deal with, especially if you've just spent like 30 minutes getting everything lined up and realize you need to change the alignment.


I agree @AlfredBaldenweck . If Esri staff are going to routinely close feature requests due to the fact that they are, well, feature requests, then I do not understand the purpose of this site. I am not sure who to loop in here. @KoryKramer ? @MichelleMathias ?


Want to point out that this is also a problem in normal graphic text.

The anchor point of the text box does not matter; it has the same problem no matter it is anchored.









Text left-aligned

Text right-aligned



@wayfaringrob It's not an issue of changing the behavior - what you're asking for is fundamentally incompatible with how text is drawn and positioned in the map. I closed the issue to provide accurate feedback that we have no plans to change that behavior. As I stated my earlier response, alignment is relative to the geometry of the text baseline. The text type we do have that respects a envelope bounds is rectangle text (sometimes know as paragraph text) that can be created in graphics layers and layout. Alignment in that type respects the defined bounds.

The issue @AlfredBaldenweck raises is separate and related to anchor points. I'm not able to reproduce that behavior on ArcGIS Pro 3.1 and that may be worth a support services call so we can look at the case in more detail.