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Logitech MX Master Sideways Scroll

12-29-2021 12:05 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor II

It would be great if sideways scrolling worked "out of the box". The current workaround (for MX Master series) is to go into the logitech software program settings and set the sideways scrolling with keystrokes, per this exchange:

A solution to integrate this functionality would be a nice quality of life improvement for individuals that have invested in these types of peripherals.


This capability would be great to bring to every mouse that has a horizontal scroller


Controlling the assignment of mouse buttons in general should be an added capability. The second scroller to scroll sideways is a given, but also assigning buttons 4, 5, 6 or tilt wheels. The Logitech MX Master 3S has 6 buttons and 2 wheels, I'm sure other users might have a gaming mouse with many more buttons. It would be useful being able to assign those buttons.