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Keyboard support for the color palette

02-09-2023 08:52 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

Currently color palette dropdowns do not respond to the keyboard. You cannot open them with the spacebar nor can you navigate between colors with arrow keys. This is a drag on efficiency for anyone who prefers the keyboard over the mouse and may present a barrier to people with disabilities from using the software.


Please implement better support for keyboard users in this area, and throughout the UI. I've come to expect keyboard navigation to just not work in ArcGIS Pro but it would be nice if it behaved like other PC applications in that regard.

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi @wayfaringrob what version of Pro are you using?

In Pro 3.0.4 I see the behavior you're talking about in terms of not being able to open the palette using the spacebar or enter key. But once the palette is open, I can tab into the colors and use the arrow keys.

Can you please let us know what version you're using and if on 3.0.x, more specifically the issue?

In 3.1, scheduled for release tomorrow, the spacebar or enter key will open the palette and tab/arrows work to navigate like I am currently seeing in 3.0.4.

Status changed to: Implemented

Though we weren't able to get clarification on this one, in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 the palette can be opened/closed with the spacebar as requested in the idea.


If there is something not working as expected, let us know!

Cannot get logged in to Esri community right now so hopefully this email works - this is 3.0.3; I didn't think to try the arrow keys since nothing was even highlighted in the swatches when tabbing into that area. Hitting down arrow starts me in the top right.