Keep ArcMap documentation online long after ArcMap dies

03-14-2024 09:50 PM
Status: Open
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Notable Contributor

There is information in the ArcMap documentation about geoprocessing tools, etc. that only seems to exist in the ArcMap docs, not the ArcGIS Pro docs. Such as how to join using Make Query Table:

Examples of queries with the Make Query Table tool - ArcMap 10.8

Related: How to join using Make Query Table?

I think it will be important for those ArcMap docs to remain online — even if ArcMap is no longer in use in the future. It might be tempting for Esri to take those pages down, but we need them in some cases to operate ArcGIS Pro.

Yes, I’ve requested that the ArcGIS Pro Make Query Table docs be improved via the feedback button. But my experience is that most of the time, those suggestions don’t get implemented.

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

@Bud can you give us an estimate on how long you envision by "long"? At this point, there is no plan to take down ArcGIS Desktop documentation any time soon. 

Also, I don't think ArcMap will ever die - it will just retire. I know it will live on in our hearts and our minds forever. 


So, I actually wholeheartedly agree with this and wish I could upvote it today (Please let us upvote Ideas that are marked Needs Clarification!)

It's kind of a massive pain to find documentation for older versions of Esri Software. 

For example, we as an organization were still in Pro 2.9 until September of 2023, which was two months before Pro 3.2 was released. A lot of stuff changed between those two releases (GeoProcessing tools), and finding documentation for whatever I was looking for was a pain because the only way to get to it was through Pro, rather than a search engine. 

Similarly, for ArcMap, it's pretty hard to find documentation for the exact version I'm working in at any given time.

I would love love love a historic documentation archive site somewhere that anyone can navigate to using a search engine, rather than going through the documentation installed with or linked to from the software. I'm talking every single release.

I totally get not wanting to clog up your active documentation site, which typically goes back a few releases, but many, many people still need access to the older versions.



Status changed to: Needs Clarification

@Bud can you give us an estimate on how long you envision by "long"?

I would say until equivalent information is added to the ArcGIS Pro docs.

Status changed to: Open

Thanks @Bud You noted that when you find specific discrepancies or gaps you submit those through the feedback button on each help page. That is the best workflow and teams are continually working to improve the help.

We can be confident that ArcMap documentation will be up through 2028 and we can re-assess the situation 4+ years from now.