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Interpolate missing Date(s) with the Fill Missing Values (Space Time Pattern Mining) Tool

01-04-2022 10:32 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

I would love to easily be able to interpolate missing Date(s) with the Fill Missing Values (Space Time Pattern Mining) Tool.

The Fill Missing Values tool works great for things like missing pipe diameters.  I can easily run the tool and fill in missing values based on what is nearby.

However the tool does not seem to be able to fill in dates.  Currently I have a rather janky work around.  Converting dates to numbers and then back.

  • Convert date to a number in a new field using the Convert Time tool yyyyMMdd
    • 12/15/2004 --> 20041215
  • Use the Fill in Missing Values tool on the "dates" now stored as a number
  • In a field calculation return dates formatted as date
    • Do some arcade to get 20041215 into a format the Date function likes  "yyyy,MM,dd"
      • Be sure to subtract one form the months field
    • 20041215 --> 2004,11,15
    • return Date(2004,12,15)
    • This will return the date(s) including those filling in with the Fill in Missing Values tool
  • Use the Convert Time Zone, if necessary

Would love to just be able to run the Fill Missing Values tool and fill in the missing dates

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