In ArcGIS PRO allow formal edit sessions for unversioned data in an enterprise GDB

01-20-2017 11:53 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Deactivated User

ArcMap allows users to edit unversioned data in an enterprise geodatabase and choose whether edits will be automatically saved after each edit or evoke a formal edit session during which edits are stored before being committed/saved to the underlying database (giving users the ability to discard or undo unwanted edits). There are good reasons for maintaining unversioned data in an enterprise database and for being able to discard/undo edits – users should not have to choose between the two.

Please give users the option of a formal edit formal edit sessions for unversioned data in an enterprise geodatabase in ArcGIS PRO.


I'm super pleased to see this issue raised to "under consideration". Please, please, please (yes, I'm begging 🙂 ) implement it as soon as possible. 
The ability to accidentally edit without realizing it/purposely choosing TO edit is a tremendous risk to our enterprise data. 
Thank you. 


@larryy, why was this ever in the "backlog"?  This is an ArcMap equivalency issue, and a major one.  People have been crying out for this for 4 and 1/2 years.  It should have been at the top of your list all of that time, ahead of all of the new features.  Instead, it has to be rescued from the backlog only because people complained.  I thought ArcMap equivalency came first. 

This is not some new feature that people just want.  This is a major limitation and a major roadblock for some organizations.


The edit button is good.  But users can still accidentally and unknowingly delete things if they're not in the know and expect Pro to function like Map did.  There needs to be formal edit sessions.


@KoryKramer , @larryy , and @JonathanMurphy  what's the status on this major ArcMap compatibility issue?

Remember, this is not an enhancement request.  This is one of the most requested ArcMap compatibility issues for over 5 years and is causing your users a lot of problems, as already documented in the comments here.

It was marked as under consideration 8 months ago but we haven't heard anything since then.


Hi @DavidWheelock2,

We've been discussing how to approach this requirement and were not able to get something into the Pro 3.0 release.  We have an approach now that we are aiming to include with the Pro 3.1 release.  Hopefully we can get it done for that release (if not that one, the next), as we understand the importance.

Thanks, larry

Esri Product Management

Status changed to: In Product Plan

I don't have anything to add except my support. I look forward to seeing this in the next release *fingers crossed*.


Please implement ASAP.


At the New Zealand user conference in September, it was reported that this was going to be finally addressed in Pro 3.1, however it was unconfirmed at that stage.


Hi Malcolm,

We plan to support the ability to Save or Discard edits in Pro 3.1 when working against non-versioned data.  By default edits will be saved automatically as they are now, but through the options setting the user will have the ability to enable a single workspace edit session.  Through this session users will have the ability to save or discard edits.
