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Improve Usability of Table to Table and Feature Class to Feature Class: Reorder or Rename Fields, Reread Input Schema

04-03-2015 02:33 PM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor
I would like to see a couple usability improvements to Table to Table and Feature Class to Feature Class
  • Add the ability to reorder the output fields
    • Currently we can only reorder input fields
    • This will allow users to permanently reorder fields into a new table or feature class, which is something many people want.
    • Reordering fields would be useful if we accidently delete an output field in the field map.
  • Add the Ability to reread the schema for the field map  (Model Builder)
    • If the schema of the input feature / table changes it may be impractical to another feature class to feature class tool.
    • The option to reread schemas would fix the available fields in the Add Input dialog box.
    • Rereading the schema would be useful if our input table / feature class is changed and we are dealing with many fields