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Geoprocessing Tab Back-Button UX Improvement

03-21-2024 04:33 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

THE PROBLEM: The Back Button Switches Catalog Pane's Tab, instead of stepping out of a specific Geoprocess to Geoprocessing Favorites | Toolboxes | Portal | Search page. 

CASE STUDY DEMO: Several times a day I utilize the Geoprocessing tab in the catalog pane for various Geoprocesses, and multiple times a day I face an inefficiency that can be greatly improved. For example, let's say I need to Enable COGO on a feature class.  I select the Geoprocessing tab from the catalog pane and I find that the previous geoprocess is displayed.  If I previously imported a symbology to the feature class I see "Apply Symbology from Layer" geoprocess. In Order to get to switch to Enable Cogo, in the pane I only have the back button near the top left to navigate.  When I click that back button, ArcGIS Pro returns me to the symbology tab!  I now have to select the Geoprocessing Tab AGAIN to then reach the Favorites | Toolboxes | Portal | Search page.  This breaks workflow, focus, and train of thought, wastes time, effort, & mental energy.  Sometimes it's to the symbology tab, sometimes it kicks me to the catalog tab. NEVER do I want to switch the tab, I ALWAYS want to navigate to my favorites & toolbox when I click that back button.  There is no other means of navigation other than Ribbon... but this is about that back button which NEVER delivers the desired UX. 

SOLUTION: Make the back button navigate to the "Favorites | Toolboxes | Portal | Search" page.


This not a bug, this is a UX improvement idea! 

Thank you kindly for reading this far, and any consideration to my idea. I hope this improves everyone's day. 


Single-click navigation from GP tool to GP pane

I agree. I think there should be a dedicated single-click button beside the back button for navigating from the GP tool to the GP pane. Something that is more obvious and more easily accessible.


Hello Andrew,

The behavior you're looking for was implemented following this user idea in 3.2.

Just some additional info, in case you're not aware:
You can have multiple Geoprocessing tool open at the same time.
Click here


and select Open Another Tool.
The number tells you how many tools you have open and --important-- to access any of the open tools, you need to open them from this dropDown menu.




@BBicking1 : I'm still having the issue and I'm running 3.2.2. Whenever I need to run a GP Tool, I view the pane by clicking on my GP Tab I've docked. It displays the last GP tool I ran. I press the back arrow and it toggles to the Catalog Tab, making the Catalog window visible. I then have to click on the GP tab again to view the main screen of the GP tools window.

Update: my ArcPro has been updated to 3.4.0 and this is still occurring.