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Filter Catalog EGDB FCs by owner

09-28-2023 06:29 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

I'm duplicating a related "implemented" idea to make sure this idea gets fully implemented.

Original: Filter Catalog EGDB FCs by owner

In Catalog:

It would be helpful if we could filter/show/hide enterprise geodatabase connection objects (FCs, tables, views, relationship classes) by owner.

For example, if there are objects from several owners (ROADS, WATER_RES, WATER), let me only see objects from WATER.

My connection is OS Authentication (objects from lots of owners), not a DB/owner-based connection (only one owner).

Oracle 10.7.1 EGDB

1 Comment

Thanks for opening this @Bud

I wanted to share that it is possible to display only the objects in a geodatabase owned by a specific user by using the search functionality in the catalog pane. Searching by a username will temporarily filter your project pane by the search criteria, allowing you to view a single users data. 

I recognize that this is different from the idea posed here but it may help you in the mean time.