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Export Geotiff of layout

04-17-2011 06:11 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Deactivated User

It would be great if ArcMap was able to export a Geotiff from the Layout view, containing not only the map data but also the marginalia, i.e. the whole page.

A considerable amount of the work we do involves producing maps as geotiffs that can be used for situational awareness and planning in the field. Often our customers would like to be able to update one of our map products in the field with their own geospatial data and reprint the map with the new information. The easiest way for them to do this is with a geotiff of our whole product, margins and all.

This could involve simply extending the georefencing from within the data frame to the edge of the layout page.

Now is this possible only with PLTS solution. I vote for this.
my too!!
I voted for this. This function should include in Desktop solution instead of relying on other extensions such as Production mapping. 
This option is available with the Production Mapping extension, however that extension is fairly cost prohibitive for many. It would be great to see this export option exposed to the core ArcGIS functionality.

Hi Peoples,


In ArcGIS Pro I can export a Layout to Tiff, but according to the help it is not possible to do this with a world file or as a GeoTiff   Export a Map or Layout :

For maps, choose whether to generate a World File. The world file is used to contain georeference information so the image export can be used as raster data in ArcGIS Pro or other GIS applications. This option is unavailable for 3D view and layout exports.


I note this is the same with ArcMap - unless you purchase the additional Production Mapping extension Export Layout to GeoTiff

Esri Production Mapping allows you to export a page layout view to GeoTIFF. GeoTIFFs are TIFF files that contain spatial reference information.


It would be good to have this functionality in the standard product.





Seems this functionality was removed completely in ArcGIS Pro for layouts, whereas in ArcMap we at least had the option of purchasing the PLTS extension. I too vote for this to be added in Pro.


I vote for this too. Would be great to be able to attach legends to GeoTIFFs and I can't see why this functionality has been removed for ArcPro.


We need this in the world of Fire Mapping to export a layout, not just the map in Geo Tiff.

Status changed to: Implemented

Implemented in ArcGIS Pro 2.7.

See Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 2.7: Something to Celebrate 

Also check out what's new in ArcGIS Pro 2.7!