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Export ArcGIS Pro Domains View to Table or Spreadsheet

02-02-2022 09:59 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor II

In ArcGIS Pro, I would like to be able to export the "Domains" view that you can open by right-clicking a layer in your map and choosing "Data Design -> Domains".  If Pro could export this view to some type of table format like a File Geodatabase table or an Excel spreadsheet or even a CSV file, that would be great!  It would help me with managing my domains.  I have attached a sample of the Domains view that I have.  Thank you!

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This may not be what you are looking for, but maybe a helpful solution. There are Domain to Table and Table to Domain tools. These might be helpful to you. You could use these to export to excel. Make any changes and then import back to a new domain. Or export for for whatever your purpose is. Once a domain is a table you can use the Table to Excel tool to get your spreadsheet.

When you are in the domain view in Pro, you can also copy/paste the entire domain. This is great for copying the domain from one database to another. 

Hope that helps!


Thanks for feedback Richard.  I'd like to clarify my request.  I would like to have ALL of the domains exported out into a spreadsheet, CSV or a Geodatabase table; just like it shows in Pro.  Not just one domain.


I was not able to find this type of functionality in Pro but if you still have ArcCatalog you can at least export the domain list and description to an xls


For anyone who's using an enterprise geodatabase (or maybe even a mobile geodatabase), it might be possible to query for such information using SQL.

Status changed to: Implemented

Thanks to everyone who participated in this conversation!

In the newly released ArcGIS Pro 3.2, users have access to a brand new tool called Generate Schema Report.  This tool allows users to export domains and their assignments to your choice of xlsx, json, html, or pdf.  

Check out this new blog from Jonathan Murphy on the geodatabase team, that goes further into detail about how this new tool can add to your workflows.

Generate Schema Report Blog Post 

For more about what's new from the geodatabase team, check out our what's new in 3.2 post.

What's new in 3.2 from geodatabase

For a bigger picture view, check out our general what's new in ArcGIS Pro 3.2

What's new in 3.2 - ArcGIS Pro