Please add a dynamic image to layout (that is not a map series)
I work GIS on wildland fires. Generally on a large fire, multiple teams are required over the extent of the incident. Every couple weeks a new management team takes over and with the new team comes a new team logo that is attached to all of the maps. We often have 15 or so maps, each with its own project and some with multiple layouts depending on the needed print size.
It would be great to have the option for dynamic images in layouts (not sure why they are only allowed in a map series). That way when the new team comes in, we can just switch out the logo image itself (in the logos folder) or change a dynamic set path once and all the maps would show the new logo. Right now, while the image property points to the image file location on the computer or URL, the image is cached on the project and is not actually dynamic. So each project and each layout has to be opened and a new logo added or repointed.
It's an unnecessary time suck.