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Default map rotation

12-04-2023 12:35 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

It would be great if we could set a default map rotation for all maps/projects. 

For example, the roads in my municipality are oriented 15.5 degrees clockwise. So the first thing everyone in my organization does when creating a map is rotate the map -15.5 degrees so that the roads fit better on maps and are easier to work with. It would be handy if we didn't need to do that for each map.

It would also mean new users who are unaware that maps can be rotated would have properly rotated maps by default.


This seems like something that would nestle in nicely next to the Default Map Projection & default basemap settings that already exist in Pro.  I'd love to see more of this!


Thanks for this idea! Related to this suggestion, in ArcMap, one used to be able to copy the "Calculated Angle" value in the north arrow properties and use that to rotate the data frame. In Pro the calculated angle cannot be selected and copied, so I have to retype this number manually. I created a new Idea for that here: