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Default Export Parameters set for Each Project Layout

11-18-2021 04:28 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

It would be helpful for my team to create default export parameters for different layouts in the same project.  Typically we have two layouts, one map series that drives our assessor map publication, and an internal before / after map using a standard layout.  Our workflow involves exporting from both layouts for each map change.  We have to change the export parameters back and forth depending on which layout we're exporting from.  It would be helpful if we could assign defaults to each layout, reducing the changes required for each export.


Tags (2)
Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi @NickKovac_MC Please provide a description for the idea.

Thank you!


Hi @NickKovac_MC I wanted to circle back on this.  Could you please review the ArcGIS Ideas Submission Guidelines and Statuses and be sure to update your idea with a clear description.  After you have done that we'll be able to open it for voting.

Thank you!

I think the main text of my idea was dropped in the fray
Status changed to: Open

Thanks @NickKovac_MC We've got this one back open for voting.



I just wanted to note that the ability to set up export presets will be available in ArcGIS Pro 3.0 (expected in June 2022) which will likely help with this. While you won't necessarily be assigning default presets to a specific layout, you could have presets set up for each of your layout types, making it very easy to export with all of the appropriate parameters already populated.

Status changed to: Implemented

This workflow can be accomplished with export presets in ArcGIS Pro 3.0. Learn more about export presets here