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Create Feature Class on different file group in SQL Server

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New Contributor III

I want to separate some feature classes that grow quickly on different file group in SQL Server but unfortunately ArcGIS Pro does not contain any setting on how to choose the file group when creating feature class and feature datasets. I came across this piece of documentation about file groups in geodatabase and I noticed an advice about how to create a feature class on different file group. It is simply to generate a script in SSMS from any feature class created in the primary file group and change the name of the file group to another one. I have tested it (I successfully created features inside the newly created feature class in a secondary file group) and it seems working, but when trying to run the script of the table inside SSMS, I encountered several errors because of the similar indexes and constraints names. I had to rename them with different names manually. This process would be difficult in case I have a lot of tables in the geodatabase. It would be better if ArcGIS Pro show me a dropdown list when creating the feature class to choose on which file group I want to save the feature class.

1 Comment

@gisarchitect - I am the author of the documentation.
You can achieve the goal to store a featureclass in different SQL Server Filegroups by using the ArcSDE Geodatabase DBTUNE. You can learn more about the DBTUNE if you read my SQL Server database guidebook for Production Mapping located in my blog.
Mapping and Charting Solutions (MCS) Enterprise Da... - Esri Community

You need also read the database connection best practices.

Then, you can download my database template scripts for SQL Server to assist to setup the enterprise geodatabase, those contain the best practices of the guidebooks and a lot more recommendations.

Finally, to assist to load very large Featureclasses in SQL Server read by blog post below.

How Load Large Featureclass SQL Server Geodatabase

There are also Frequent Asked Questions blog posts that you might be interested.

How Load Large Featureclass SQL Server Geodatabase
How to Move the SQL Server Enterprise Geodatabase with a database backup
How to Install Database Clients for ArcGIS
How to Install the SQL Server Client for ArcGIS?

I hope this helps.

| Marcelo Marques | Esri Professional Services Products | Principal Product Engineer |  

| Cloud & Database Administrator | OCP – Oracle Certified Professional |

| Esri | 380 New York St | Redlands, CA 92373 | USA |

| Esri Enterprise Mapping and Charting Databases Best Practices |

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"I started with Esri Technology in 1992. I work with Enterprise Geodatabases since 1997."