Coxcombs / roses are great for showing numbers of events at a site over time, e.g. tourist numbers, Birds vs Aircraft by Month Map | Maps We Love - Esri, Exploring spatial and temporal patterns of invasive aquatic species—Analytics | ArcGIS Desktop.
Please could you consider:
- Decoupling the coxcomb tool from the mussels case study Exploring spatial and temporal patterns of invasive aquatic species—Analytics | ArcGIS Desktop,
- Enabling it to handle null values,
- Enabling the attribute table to retain site name and other helpful attributes,
- Making the tool available in ArcGIS Pro,
- Providing help which shows an example of the idea data structure required e.g. Site, X, Y, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec fields; and explains how to make multi-theme coxcombs like the bird strike example?
I see that Pro will make data clocks, but as a chart, these do not appear to be able to be displayed on a map.
This idea appears related: Wind Rose Report on Core ArcGIS Desktop (Rose Diagrams).
Many thanks for your time.