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Copy Python Command should be available even if GP tool parameters have errors

01-03-2024 09:02 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

In a related post, Copy GP tool parameters as formatted text without running tool@PeterKnoop mentioned:

...the "Copy Python Command" is another option [for getting GP tool parameters as text] that partially addresses your need. It gets around the not wanting to run the tool limitation, as you can fill things out and copy without having to run the tool. It does, however, fall victim to pre-errors; if an error is present, then Copy Python Command is grayed out.


In this case, there is a pre-error because the database view is already registered with the geodatabase.

Could that functionality be changed so that the Copy Python Command option is available, even if there are pre-errors in the GP tool parameters?

1 Comment

Similarly, if there is a mandatory parameter that's blank, then Copy Python Command is greyed out in that case too, which seems strange. What if I just want to copy the python without filling out all the parameters?

I think Copy Python Command should always be available.
