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Convert Labels to annotation for multiple layers

09-27-2022 01:31 PM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hello all,

I am converting labels to annotation in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2. I just found out I could make annotation for all of the layers in the map! Amazing! 



But after my excitement, I realized, I don't want annotation for all of my layers in the map - I would like annotation for about 4 of them and leave the rest as labels. Uh oh - not offered as a possibility. It's all or one.


I am asking for the ability to choose multiple layers in the Convert Labels to Annotation tool. Thank you!


Tags (1)

@Anonymous User , great idea! Quick cartography use cases already come to mind, I read through and also got excited for all in one go.



Status changed to: Already Offered

As noted, conversion of all labeled layers in the map is supported and is the recommended approach. so I'm marking this already offered with an explanation:

The process of labeling (and therefore converting labels to annotation) of multiple layers is an optimization problem where the labels from all layers are considered together and placed in coordination with each other. This is a very different concept from a lot of GIS processing that essentially allows multiple inputs / outputs but just processes them one at a time. Since the best results come from labeling the whole map together, we promote this option via "All layers in map". The single layer case is just reserved for small cases where just one layer is desired - with the caveat that it can result in less-desirable placement in some situations. We have no plans to add a mix and match set of options as it quickly becomes complicated - should they be labeled and discarded?, still counted as barriers?, etc. As an alternative you could just turn off labeling for all but those 4 layers and convert them using the "All layers in map" option.

by Anonymous User

@CraigWilliams oh well, that's sad. While I semi-understand your explanation (thank you for explaining it) I also don't quite believe it. Because now instead of offering it in the software I have to do a work-around. (After I posted this I also thought of turning off the other layers labeling and the running the tool. It worked but it was annoying). It would be much nicer to the users if we could just choose multiple feature classes to turn into an annotation layer.

I ask Esri to keep looking into this - it would treat the 4 layers as if they were all of the layers in the map. If there are problems with that so be it - the user has to know that. I'm almost certain in ArcMap we only were able to create one annotation feature class for one feature class one at a time. So we dealt with it. So maybe this new feature also has a caveat  - we're pretty used to caveats- we use ArcGIS Pro - haha, sorry, couldn't resist that. Thank you.


Hi @Anonymous User its good that you understand the explanation. I'm wondering why you feel that is a "work-around". Once you figured out that you could run the tool with your 4 layers labeled and convert annotation for "all layers in the map" can you explain why that method is "annoying"? (Please don't interpret these questions as confrontational - I'm genuinely interested to understand if something is annoying, why...)

I think Craig's explanation is really good and made me understand that if the tool were allowed to convert multiple layers at once without each layer's labels taking the others' into account, you could very likely end up with a whole bunch of overlapping or very poorly placed anno. Creating the anno for multiple layers all together then makes sense. Anyway, definitely let us know if there is something about the workflow that could be made clearer and why it is annoying to convert labels to anno as described.

Thank you!



Sorry, but with 100+ layers, regularly we need to update few layers.  For me the workaround is to open a new maps with just these layers.  If it could automatically append to the source file geodatabase of each source but that's a dream.

You said "As an alternative you could just turn off labeling for all but those 4 layers and convert them using the "All layers in map" option." Remember, with 100+ layers, select and deselect without making error is time consuming.

So, having this feature is not essential but nice to have but not as essential as a real mapseries.