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Consistency in Output Field and Location

09-11-2012 12:46 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Some of the Geoprocessing tools require the user to input the output location and the file name separately. Some of the geoprocessing tools have them all in one field. It would be much more user friendly if they were all one or the other.

Status changed to: In Product Plan

Two of the most commonly used tools that used the output location + name pattern for parameters are being replaced in ArcGIS Pro 3.0. Feature Class To Feature Class is being replaced by an improved Export Features tool, and Table To Table is being replaced by an improved Export Table tool. 

Status changed to: Implemented

As Drew stated, the most common uses of this were in exporting feature classes and tables. Here are the tools he mentioned:

See Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 3.0  to see this and all of the other ideas you can look forward to when you upgrade.

Also be sure to check out the What's New documentation: