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Catalog Pane — Drag multiple items into map

11-30-2023 09:03 PM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 3.2; mobile geodatabase:

In the Catalog Pane, I've selected multiple items in the same geodatabase/workspace:


I'm not able to drag those items to the map. Dragging/dropping has no effect.

I would like to drag those items to the map simultaneously, rather than dragging one at a time, similar to what I can do with the Add To Current Map context menu option.


This is an efficiency issue. The demands of our work is not getting lower, so please help us be more efficient so we can make better use of our limited time.


What's weird is that you can pull multiple layer files (LYR, LYRX), Shapefiles, and File GDBs all at once, either directly onto the map or into the Contents Pane.

It follows that we'd be able to do that with feature classes in a mobile geodatabase, so I'm surprised we can't (Also, if you can update the idea a little bit, I don't appear to be able to do it in an enterprise GDB either).

The current work around is to right-click and add to map, but dragging is frequently better, especially when trying to place into a group layer.



Regarding this case: #03501454 - Can't simultaneously drag multiple selected items from the Catalog Pane to the Contents Pane or map when using mobile or enterprise geodatabase data

Support says:

I did a quick test with ArcGIS Pro 3.2 and an Enterprise Geodatabase at 11.1 and I am unable to reproduce the issue. I am able to drag multiple feature classes into a map at once. Can you please confirm your Enterprise Geodatabase version? 

I don't have access to an enterprise geodatabase on the computer where I have Pro 3.2 installed.
The computer that does have access to an enterprise geodatabase (Oracle 18c 10.7.1 EGDB) has an ancient version of Pro: 2.6.8. Dragging multiple FCs from Catalog does seem to work with an EGDB in Pro 2.6.8.

You said:

I don't appear to be able to do it in an enterprise GDB either

Would you mind checking again and providing details about the enterprise geodatabase? (version of Pro, DB, and Enterprise).

Also, thanks for providing the extra details in your comment above (regarding FGDBs, layer files, and shapefiles). That was helpful.


Of course. I'm in Pro 3.1.3, using SQL Server and version 10.6


It's strange. Previously, I was able to reproduce this issue multiple times using a mobile geodatabase.

But I happened to reinstall Pro 3.2 today, and now I can't reproduce the issue, even when using the same mobile GDB data.

So I guess this idea can be closed.

I don't have access to enterprise geodatabase data in my Pro 3.2 environment, so I have no way to test that. Best guess is enterprise geodatabase data works too.

Esri Case #03501454 - Can't simultaneously drag multiple selected items from the Catalog Pane to the Contents Pane or map when using mobile or enterprise geodatabase data

Status changed to: Closed

Hello @Bud (and everyone),

Thank you for retesting your case.  I can also confirm that in ArcGIS Pro 3.2, drag-dropping multiple feature classes and/or tables to the active map (or to it's Contents pane) works as expected.

This idea thread is closed as you suggested.  Thank you again for your feedback.