ArcGIS Pro 3.2.1
I have an Excel .XLSX spreadsheet that I want to use in ArcGIS Pro:

When I navigate to the spreadsheet in Catalog, I see that Pro has suffixed the sheet name with a $ (dollar sign).

That dollar sign at the end of the sheet name is slightly awkward when using the name multiple times in scripts, such as a lengthy SQLite SQL expression.
ArcGIS Pro uses the SQLite SQL dialect for expressions on Excel files?

roadinsptable$.objectid IN (
SELECT objectid
FROM roadinsptable$ r2
WHERE r2.asset_id = roadinsptable$.asset_id
ORDER BY date_ DESC, condition DESC
It’s a small thing, but I find the dollar sign adds a bit of clutter to the code.
I thought at one point recently, I was able to rename the sheet in Catalog by removing the $ in Catalog. But I don’t know how I managed to do that, since there doesn’t seem to be a rename context-menu option in Catalog.
Is there a reason why that dollar sign is necessary? If not, could it be removed by default? Or could we have the option of renaming sheets in Catalog? (not necessarily renaming the sheet in the actual file, just in Catalog)