Bring back ability to convert CAD feature classes to project gdb automatically

09-18-2023 05:12 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
MVP Honored Contributor

In ArcGIS Pro 3.0, this ability was removed. See the documentation:




This was a very helpful feature that automatically converted the CAD (dwg or dgn) drawing into separate feature classes based on the CAD drawings level or layer. I know that that "work around" is to use the geoprocessing tool of CAD to Geodatabase but this is very simplified compared to what it used to do. This tool only breaks down the CAD layers into very generic points, lines, and polygons with dumbed down symbology.

1 Comment

I agree. Please reintroduce. Working in a BIM/CAD/GIS environment my daily work is really more complicated by not having the automated conversion possibility.