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Attribute pane - show copy, cut, paste on R click menu

05-22-2023 09:10 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

Right now if I R click a field in the attribute pane, I'm presented with these three options:


If I first left click and then right click the cell, I get cut, copy, and paste.


Could these options be revealed on the first right click, as is common in Excel and already possible in the attribute table?


The same functionality would be handy in the create/modify features pane, which behaves similarly to attributes pane.

1 Comment

The first screenshot appears to be specific to data fields with specified unique values via coded values. I think this is worthy to consider, but I don't see those options on attribute table without coded values. It appears similarly to your third screenshot.

I've noticed a trend with the UI, where it seems to be intentionally designed with limited options, and I think users in general want to see more expansive options when interacting with the application.