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Assign layout graphics a label weight in the map

05-26-2022 10:13 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

It would be nice if layouts had some sort of option to 'talk' to the map and tell it not to label things underneath layout graphics, at least in the particular data frame shown on the layout. I see this being implemented as additional tabs in the label weight ranking dialog - one for each data frame or layout in the project that the map is used in that has the setting turned on. From there, you could assign layout graphics a weight similar to how you can assign map graphics and features a weight on a data frame by data frame basis.

This would allow me to not have to convert my labels to manual annotation/graphics all the time or monkey with the placement settings so much.



ENH-000134871 mentioned here seems to be talking about map graphics, not layout graphics; the original poster does seem to be asking about layout graphics, though.


Would also like Maplex to avoid map elements such as north arrows and scale bars, as described in " These are Cartography 101 issues; why don't we have a fix?


@BrennaHughes  I have created an idea for that specifically, and perhaps it should be merged here, I don't know - it's essentially the same request, to get layout elements talking to Maplex.


My idea seems to be a duplicate of this one, and could be merged in if Esri staff sees this.


@wayfaringrob - I think you are correct, there are several similar posts. This one and dataframes only. Yours addresses graphics: I found a couple of questions & workarounds here and on StackExchange. Really, we need Maplex to recognize:

  • Map dataframes
  • Images
  • Charts & Tables
  • North Arrows
  • Scale Bars
  • Legends

Am I forgetting any?


Would be really useful to just set a weight on it like other elements - right now, half of 'Muscatine' effectively has a strikethrough and there's nothing I can do about it other than annotation.




Another map where this would come in handy.


Esri: not every GIS user has the time or means to export each of their maps to a graphic design application to fix problems that your users have been pointing out for years -- in this case, 12 years. Please help us out.


@JesseWickizerthat seems like quite a lengthy workaround for most scenarios. My go-to: just add a map graphic layer, add a transparent rectangle graphic(s), resize it by eyeballing the area on the layout that needs to be blocked, and make sure weight is high. This could be an issue, though, if the same map is used multiple places.


Hi @JesseWickizer !  Is this still not solved?  This issue drives me bananas.  Can we at least add Legends and other Data Frames to the list of objects we can weight in the label weight ranking?