ArcGIS Pro updates

04-30-2021 09:48 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

With every update comes more breaks! Man this software is getting worse instead of better. Thinking about switching to QGIS, way better!

What's with the rectangle with the select tool? Even in rectangle it lassos, very annoying! This is not CAD.

Double clicking on a line opens edit vertices, just ArcMap would be cool!

More things in the context menu when editing would be nice, way too too too much clicking in Pro!

Copy an pasting, why don't you do it like QGIS, click on a layer in content menu, select, copy, select the layer to copy to  in the contents menu and paste! Simple with Pro way to complicated!


Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi @Anonymous User 

Please review ArcGIS Ideas Submission Guidelines and Statuses and follow that guidance to post clear requests as individual ideas for the community to vote on.

It sounds like you may have 4 different requests in your description.  Please develop each into its own idea that clearly articulates the request for ArcGIS Pro.

Thank you!


You can turn off the selection box by going to the backstage, then options, on the Selection tab unselect the "Display the interactive selection graphic". I actually like it, it allows me to re-select if I had the wrong layers select-able, I just need to bump it a little after I make the change in the List by Selection tab of the contents pane.

by Anonymous User
Thanks did this long ago. I would like the select by rectangle to actually create a rectangle instead of a lasso and it's backward like CAD.


Can you show a screenshot or gif of what you're seeing when you choose select by rectangle?

Here is what I see:


by Anonymous User
Whoops! The floating editor toolbar was set to lasso, but I don't use the floating editor toolbar, when I turned it on I saw it. Now it's selecting vertices with a rectangle. You would think this would be in the main editing toolbar as well, easier to find.

Status changed to: Closed

I think we got to the bottom of the main issue.  Any outstanding requests can be submitted as distinct ideas.

Thank you!