ArcGIS Pro & Online support SLD Layer-Style (Import/Export)

10-27-2016 01:33 AM
Status: Open
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Frequent Contributor

Support layer style definitions based on SLD-Files (Styled Layer Descriptor | OGC )  - Load AND Save. It would improve interop. with other tools and software and data from organisations like European Environment Agency.


Where does ESRI stand regarding this idea ? It's been 13 years since the creation of this post and .sld style format would still be very useful.

In our case, we are migrating from QGis to ArcGIS Pro, and doing so we need to visualize large sets of data with a lot of different categories within one symbology. The inability to import .sld created from Qgis is holding back the full migration as we don't always have the time to reproduce the entire symbology for each and every dataset we need...  


Qgis and arcgis pro are botn widely used. Support for sld-import would empower the GIS-community. So come on ESRI.


I would definitely like to see this feature from interoperability standpoint, but seeing this idea is already many years old I'm a bit skeptical if they every will get to it.


It's quite hard to believe SLD is not supported in ArcGIS Pro, shocking really.


Please Esri, solve this