ArcGIS Artificial Intelligence Assistant

06-05-2018 12:01 PM
Status: In Product Plan
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

It would be nice if Esri would develop a Vocal web base Artificial Intelligence Assistant capable of answering for us most questions we have about their product functionalities.

They could have this AI Assistant learn all product documentations, all support cases, all bugs, etc. Then a user would only ask a question and the Assistant would reply either directly with an answer or ask a question back to the user for more details.

This AI Assistant should be able to answer questions such as :

"Assistant, what is the difference between a Web Feature Layer and a Map Image?"

"Assistant, how can I configure Portal so users can log in with their organization windows credential."

It would save a lot on Customer Support as their users could often get answers themselves through the AI Assistant.

It would allow their users to gain the equivalent of a training only with a conversation with the Assistant.

It would allow unknowledgeable users to gain rapidly experience, therefore democratizing even more their product.

Possible future application to this AI Assistant would be to allow it Step-by-Step GeoProcessing interaction with Desktop applications. Ex.: "Assistant, select all features from xLayer which are within a distance of 100m from this xFlooding polygon. From the selected features, change xField attributes to "At Risk of Climate Change".

Wouldn't it be nice?


you mean like a chatbot?


More like Siri or Alexa. Something vocal.


Instead of 'Hi Siri' it will be 'Hi Jack'.


An interesting idea. I also saw another use case which is similar to an AI assistant. GSI DEMO: Multiuser Gesture / Speech Interaction over Digital Tables by Wrapping Single User Applica...

Status changed to: In Product Plan

Thank you @MichaëlSt-Pierre .  We hope to use your suggested questions to help test an AI-based assistant.

Note that text-based AI is in the plan, but voice-based interaction is still under consideration.