Arc10 Snapping

03-22-2012 02:15 PM
Status: Closed
New Contributor II
Preface:  I am a 14-year user of ArcMap and ArcInfo that recently "upgraded" to Arc10 (SP4) and am routinely finding myself frustrated doing what should be routine tasks.  Largely, once I've invested the time in re-learning how to draw features, snapping, etc., I generally like what I see.

Problem:  I think I like the new snapping toolbar, but Arc10 doesn't allow you to specify which layers to snap to without changing the editing options and selecting "use classic snapping". 

Proposed Solution: add a "List by Snapping" option to the others already present at the top of the T.O.C. to allow toggling/activation by layer.  Keep the feature type control (end, edge, vertex, etc) on the toolbar.

Thanks for the chance to comment.

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I would also like to be able to temporarily suspend snapping by holding down the shift or control keys while editing. There are times I still need snapping on, but not for placing a specific vertex. I don't like having to completely turn it off, then place the vertex and then turn it back on.
The spacebar can be used to suspend the snapping tool.  I will post another idea related to snapping and suspending the snap to guide lines when placing elements on the layout.   Maybe someone will post that there is a short cut for this that I am unaware of.
If not already implemented it would be nice if you could click on the fc's column in the ui and alpha sort sort them (and be retained) so at least you can scroll up and down and the ordering persist somehow (by user/dept/organization)..
Status changed to: Closed

Closing this since functionality is no longer being added to ArcMap.  List by Snapping is included in ArcGIS Pro, though!
